Do góry

jest ktos z LEEDS ?

Temat zamknięty
Profil nieaktywny
01.07.2010, 20:51

moze w weekend jakies piwko ?

#101.10.2010, 14:25

Witam milo jestemtu od miesiaca nie znam jezyka mam trudnosci ze znalezieniem pracy moze wie ktos o jakich ofertach pracy dziekuje z gory

#210.08.2011, 11:57

jest jest :)
ale tutaj to pusto troche ;/

#303.11.2013, 19:54

Praca Job Materials Controller
Length of role - Ongoing contract with opporunity for the role to become permanent in the new year
Location Leeds
Pay Rate: £11.95 Ltd

The Role
• To effectively plan and schedule material requirements to meet both the mid and long term overhaul requirements of various wagon fleets.
• Ensure that the correct materials to the appropriate specifications are delivered to meet programme requirements.
• Minimise risk to the supply chain
To Apply please contact Dean Fuller at [email protected] or call 01332226664

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