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Tech Entrepreneurs in Glasgow?

Temat zamknięty
22.11.2017, 17:00

Hi everyone, I am currently undertaking a small study on Eastern European entrepreneurs working within the technology industry. If this is you or you know someone who fits the profile, I invite you to read on.

The study I am undertaking is a 4th year undergraduate dissertation looking to examine how the current support system in Glasgow is influencing and supporting Eastern European entrepreneurs in the technology industry. The support system refers to the available financial support, government policies and social network amongst other things. Importance of past business experience is considered as well. I look to gather this data by conducting confidential interviews with several entrepreneurs lasting no longer than 30 minutes, focusing on their opinions and experiences. I already have a couple of volunteers, however they are not Polish and I would like to have representation from what is the largest group of Eastern Europeans in Scotland. I myself am Lithuanian and chose this topic as something that truly interests me and my career. This study should also provide recommendations for future Eastern European entrepreneurs to better find and use the available resources in Glasgow.

This is completely voluntary, however I would really appreciate your time as I am sure future business starters would too. For those interested in participating, please shoot me an email message via [email protected]. The interviews will be carried out around the end of January so please reach out as soon as possible. Any questions or concerns - feel free to comment below!

  • Strona
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