chyba jednak nie przepadaja :)
5. Do we have to give a woman a substitute day's leave for bank holidays that fall during maternity leave?
The Employment Rights Act provides that a woman is entitled to all her terms and conditions during both the ordinary and additional maternity leave periods (OML and AML), apart from remuneration, as though she was at work. In the case of employees employed under the Green Book, this can be interpreted as meaning that a woman should be given a day's leave for each bank holiday that falls during the OML and AML periods.
The obligation to give a woman substitute leave for the bank holidays that she was unable to take during her maternity leave was reinforced by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision in Gomez (see LGE Advisory Bulletin 483). This case concerned a fixed holiday period that fell during Ms Gomez's maternity leave. The ECJ held that a woman must be able to take her annual leave at a time outside her maternity leave. Bank holidays are effectively a fixed day's leave and it is believed that this principle should therefore be applied in such cases.
Czy wracajac z urlopu macierzynskiego mozna bezposrednio po jego zakonczeniu wybrac caly urlop wypoczynkowy???? Przy zalozeniu np ze wraca sie w grudniu i zostaly 3 mies roku rozliczeniowego? Jak to jest w przypadku Bank Holiday????
Mam 20 dni urlopu i 8 Bank Holiday. Czy po maicerzynskim moge wybrac 20 czy 28 dni urllopu wypoczynkowego?