ja przeważnie wybierałem podróż autobusem nr 44 do Balerno (przystanek końcowy) lub nr 4 do Hillend (przystanek końcowy), gdzie rozpoczynałem dalszą wędrówkę... do góry, gdzie widoki pełniejsze i oku bardziej miłe, a zachody słońca niezapomniane :)
http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/phrp/in... - tu wszystko znajdziesz, ale jeśli zapytasz, postaram się pomóc :)
Walks in Pentland Hills Regional Park from bus stops
Catch LRT number 4, 15 or 15A to Hillend
The Capital View Walk starts from the car park next to the bus terminus. This is a well waymarked 3 mile circular walk, with stunning views, taking between 1 and 2 hours. You can finish the walk with some refreshments at “The Steading”.
Catch LRT number 11 to Fairmilehead
Walk along Biggar Road over the By-pass. The Capital View Walk starts from the car park next to
the number 4 bus terminus. See under “number 4”.
Catch LRT number 10 or 16 to Bonaly
Walk up Bonaly Road towards the hills, over the By-pass, past the scout camp to Bonaly Country
Park. The Torduff Water Walk starts here. This is a well waymarked 2 mile circular walk, of great beauty and interest, taking about an hour.
Catch LRT number 16 or 27 to Hunters Tryst
Walk along Oxgangs Road and turn right into Swanston Road. Continue on Swanston Road over
the By-pass to the car park. From here a footpath takes you up into the hills.
Catch LRT number 44 or 44A to Balerno
From Balerno walk up Harlaw Road for a mile to Harlaw Farm, turn right and at the end of this road is a car park. The Harlaw Woodland Walk starts here. This is a well waymarked 2 mile circular walk taking about an hour.
Catch MacEwans number 100 or X100 to Flotterstone
At Flotterstone walk past the front door and the car park of the Flotterstone Inn and into the car
park on the right. Here you will find the Flotterstone Information Centre, where you will be
able to pick up leaflets on all the walks that start here. The Glencorse View Walk starts here. This is a well waymarked 2 1/2 mile delightful walk with great views, taking about an hour and a half.
For general travel information phone Traveline 0870 6082608.
- For information on bus routes numbers 4, 10, 11, 15, 15A, 16, 27, 44 & 44A
phone Lothian Buses 0131 555 6363.
- For the number 100 & X100 phone MacEwans Coach Services 01387 256533.
Pentland Hills Regional Park, Boghall Farm, Edinburgh, EH10 7DX, UK
Telephone 0131 445 3383 | Fax 0131 445 3003 | Email ranger@phrangerservice.demon.co.uk
Website - www.edinburgh.gov.uk/phrp
Z lokalnych miejsc... hmm
Polecam South Queensferry:
Craig House (tu sie niestety spoznilem):
albo obserwatorium (jakies stare zdjatka):
Dojazd najlatwiej sprawdzic na TransportDirect.com
milego ogladania ;)
sory ze się wcinam ale zaraz tego wpisu nie będzie,
co sądzisz o www.szkocka.net czy taki portal jest jeszcze potrzebny ?
Uwielbiam zachody słońca.Może ktoś zna jakieś fajne miejsca w Edynburghu i niedalekich okolicach, gdzie są fajne widoki .