Nie wierze w magie
Nie wierze w I-ching (ksiege przemian)
Nie wierze w biblie
Nie wierze w tarota
Nie wierze w Hitlera
Nie wierze w Jezusa
Nie wierze w Kennedy'iego
Nie wierze w Budde
Nie wierze w mantre
Nie wierze w Gite
Nie wierze w joge
Nie wierze w krolow
Nie wierze w Elvisa
Nie wierze w Zimmermana
Nie wierze w Beatles'ow
Wierze tylko w siebie
Curse The Gods
Allah, Buddha, Jesus Christ
Whatever your god may be
Forget those idols let me tell you
They're tales of morbid brains
Everybody thinks he's right
That his gods are the only truth
Fanatic faith, fanatic deeds
Join my religion or die
Jews killed jesus, christs slaughtered jews
Millions die for their faith
Each religion prays that killing is a sin
How stupid logic can be
Curse the gods
Too many people have died
Curse the gods
That fools have died for a lie
Beware of those fools that keep telling you
God loves you, for you his son died
Fuck them- believe in yourself
Gods reality is just a lie
Curse the gods
Too many people have died
Curse the gods
That fools have died for a lie
#8 | Dziś - 17:19 .Dodam, ze nie wierze tez w fanatyzm ateistyczny, ktory jak widac na naszym forum zamienia sie w pewna forme religii:) widocznie tego potrzebujemy. W sumie zazdroszcza ludziom ktorzy wierza, dla nas juz tylko beznadzieja:)
Ja też nie wierzę w fanatyzm ateistyczny dlatego mogę tolerować wierzących i nie obrażać się gdy próbują mnie obrazić (w końcu religia jest charakterystyczna dla ludzi z pewnymi ograniczeniami), za to wierzę w edukację i inteligencję ludzkiego rodzaju :)
#14 | Dziś - 17:35 ." to wierzę w edukację i inteligencję ludzkiego rodzaju :)" haha z toba jest gorzej niz moherami. Ale nie bede cie nawracal, taki mam styl:)))
Cóż, może naiwna wiara, ale za to przedstawia realną wartość w odróżnieniu od religii. Nie można zmienić boga, ale można zmienić ludzi ;))) ... w mordę teraz jeszcze filozofem zostałem :)
Suicide Silence
How much must I curse your name
And put your beliefs to shame
Before you prove yourself
And end this life?
End this life
And I’ll say a fucking prayer
Because I know it won’t be answered
Where is your god? (2x)
Where is your fucking god?
And even though I don't believe in you
I pray for the day (2x)
That you end this life
So please
Take me
I want the hand of god
To come and strike me down (2x)
Where is your god? (2x)
Where is your fucking god?
For all the prayers that go unanswered (2x)
Why do you think that is?
For the families that waste their time
Open your eyes
And all your prayers will go
Why do you think that is?
For the families that waste their time
Open your fucking eyes
Left Hand Path
I am my own God
Master slave and I will be beyond the grave
No one will take my soul away
I carry my own will and make my day
I am my own God
See the truth beyond
Through endless lies thy kingdom come
Glorified wisdom illumination tool
Self deceit it's the golden rule
Live your life you're gonna die your own death
There's no one above that's gonna take your breath
I dip my forefinger in the watery blood
Of your impotent redeemer
And write over his thorn torn brow
The true Prince of Evil
What man's created
Man can destroy
Bring to light
That day of joy
Holy Wars
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
killing for religion
Something i don't understand
Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Suerely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands
Holy wars
Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God
Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die, they die
The killed my wife, and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake.....last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next more mistakes!
Fill the cracks in, with judical granite
Because I don't say, i don't mean it I ain't
Thinkin' it
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
I know what i said, now i must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings, mercy killings, killings, killings
Next thing you know they'll take my thoughts way
Municipal Waste
The Thrashin' Of The Christ
Come to save our souls you say
Or are we just prey?
Should we serve?
A lie absurd called the holy word
Jesus Christ you're out of luck
Let's thrash that fuck!
Can't they see what its come to be?
Preachers drowning in a sea of pity
But when we rise from the cloud of lies
We'll crush the church and take back our lives
Hide behind the cross telling lies of the absurd
How many alter boys are fucked
Before your time is served
How often do you hear of
Some pastor's sudden fall from grace
Crying on T.V. with smeared make up
Running down his face
More and more the evidence is piling up
That organized religion
Is just a den for the corrupt!
Your kingdom come will never cum
Your sense of faith slowly goes numb
Watching you rot from the insides
Patiently waiting your demise
Ty widzisz świat po swojemu,ja po swojemu.
Gravity to inaczej - przyciąganie...a mi skojarzyło sie to z baśnią o tym że lądowanie na księżycu to była fikcja oraz z ostatnim odkryciem nowej planety ,bardzo podobnej do ziemi.Nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo to wszystko wiąże się z pojeciem wiary i pojmowaniem świata przez ludzi.
Teraz już mozesz pisac do administracji ;-)
Skoro grawitację uważasz za bajkę, jak i lądowanie na Księżycu, czy odkrycie planety w golden zone wokół innej gwiazdy kilka miesięcy temu, to na pewno Cię to tłumaczy. Szaleńcom można wile wybaczyć, bo po prostu żyją w nierzeczywistym świecie i to nie czasami nie ich wina, że są chorzy.
Mam nadzieję, że niedługo Ci się polepszy :).
Przeciw wszelkim baśniom świata, oprócz tych dla dzieci :)