Baltic White Suite Cruise Party 2008 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Unique and unforgetable party in open sea for Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Polish and other Baltic region nationals!
For more information please visit or call 07840475331
Ticker price is £25
I just wonder if there will be many polish people ? and also how strict with this white? are creamy jackets allowed? And maybe to organise something similar in glasgow ...hmmm? Just to get to know each other?
pozdrawiam (a pisze po ang. ,bo w odpowiedzi na posta)
Czy ktos wybiera sie na to party?? A moze by tak zorganizowac cos w glasgow ( tak troche konkurencyjnie tyle,ze nie w tym samym terminie) ? Co myslicie?
2 nancy0023: na dany moment to jeszcze niema polakow na liscie, ale moze beda, mozesz byc pierwsza(-y),
na dzien dzisiejszy robimy to w Edi, no mozesz byc i w kremowym....
Baltic White Suite Cruise Party 2008 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Unique and unforgetable party in open sea for Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Polish and other Baltic region nationals!
For more information please visit or call 07840475331
Ticker price is £25