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Ryan Crosson @ Hotbox, The Universal, Glasgow

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10.01.2010, 00:17

Hej ludki,
W piatek w klubie Universal w Glasgow cykliczna impreza hotbox'u. Tym razem zagra Ryan Crosson.
Wjazdowka £10,na barze promocje.
Rozpoczecie dyskoteki o 23.
Bedzie wporzadku.

Profil nieaktywny
#110.01.2010, 00:18

Data 15 Stycznia 2009 w razie gdyby ktos nie byl pewien kiedy to piatek :D

Profil nieaktywny
#210.01.2010, 00:19

Starting 2010 like we mean to go on, HOTBOX are teetering with excitement as we look forward to RYAN CROSSON joining our party at The Universal on Friday 15 January.

Producing for world-reknowned labels such as Wagon Repair and Trazpez, as well as Richie Hawtin's M-nus under the synonym BERG NIXON, Mr Crosson has become undeniably one of the most forward thinking and exciting producers of the moment. A simple quick glance at the lad's credentials proves this point all too easily:

Tracks and Remixes released on an outstanding array of Labels including, to name but a few, Wagon Repair, M-nus, Trapez, Archipel, Telegraph, Wolf + Lamb, Bpitch Control, Tictactoe, Underline, Dumb Unit, Esperanza, Left Room... the list goes on.

Highly respected for his ground-breaking production, Ryan's live sets and DJ skills have not gone unnoticed - the man holds down residencies at Alte Borse in Zurich, Arena Club in Berlin, as well as the infamous Soulshower at Club der Visionaere.

And, not only is Ryan responsible for the Berg Nixon moniker, he is also the man behind the work of Ian Grosson, Birds and Soul, as well as the much acclaimed collaborative Visionquest, along with Seth Troxler, Lee Curtiss and Shaun Reeves.

One of the new breed of Detroit DJs putting the city back on the map, make sure you to don't miss this chance to see Ryan's scottish debut performance this January.

Tickets are £10 (£8 for students) and are only available on the door so please be down early, we diny won't you get grumpy cos you missed out now, do we?

Get in about it X

Admin grupy
boo 209
#311.01.2010, 17:18

Dobry bibens sie szykuje!:)

Admin grupy
boo 209
#411.01.2010, 17:22
Karina 283
#614.01.2010, 17:25

Czemu tam?

Admin grupy
boo 209
#729.01.2010, 07:21
  • Strona
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