no ale pewmit to tez jakas oplata. wydawalo mi sie ze jak placisz to maja cie w "systemie". pamietam jak mieszkalam w Edi to wspollokator musial placic za parkowanie przed domem , a byla to znacznie mniejsza ulica od london road.
a umieszcza sie w takich szybkach (chyba)
przysle tu chlopa niech radzi.
marusia permit jest dla mieszkancow.
Residents' Parking Permits are available to vehicle owners residing within Edinburgh’s Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs). Residents’ parking permits allow parking in both Permit and Shared Use parking bays within the numbered parking zone in which the permit holder resides.
Lukasz masz permit czy nie? bo jesli chcesz parkowac na swojej ulicy to z linka ktory wkleilam wynika ze powinienes taki posiadac.
Motorcycle Parking
Do I have to pay to park my motorcycle?
On-street parking for motorcycles without side cars is free within certain areas and motorcycle bays within Edinburgh.
Where can I park?
Zones 1-8
There are about 120 designated motorcycle parking bays within zones 1-8 of the Controlled Parking Zone. These are marked with a “solo m/cs only” legend. Motorcycles may be left free of charge in these bays. If a motorcyclist chooses to park in a pay and display bay then a valid pay and display voucher must be purchased and clearly displayed on the vehicle.
Zones N1-N5 and S1-S4
Motorcycles can use pay and display bays and shared use parking bays without charge.
Motorcycles cannot be left in residents' permit bays unless a valid residents' permit is displayed. Motorcycle owners living in Edinburgh's controlled parking zone can apply for a free residents' permit. Please see below.
See a list of streets with motorcycle bays .
Residents with Motorcycles
If you live in the Controlled Parking Zone, you may also apply for a free permit to park in permit holder parking places in your zone (these parking places are not specially designated for motorcycle use). To obtain an application form please phone 0131 469 3203. You may apply by post or in person at the Residents Parking Section, The City of Edinburgh Council, 249 High Street.
Mam pytanie, poniewaz parkuje swoj motor przed domem na london road i nigdy nie mialem z tm poblemu. 2 tyg.temu dostalem niespodziewanie mandat. Czy maja prawo mi go wystawic, gdy parkuje motor przed wlasnym domem?